A Virtual STS Wine Tasting Experience
By: Melinda Mayan, STS Teacher
“Wine is like many of the fine experiences in life which take time and experience to extract their full pleasure and meaning.” ― Douglas Preston
Among the many engaging experiences which have been planned in honour of Strathcona-Tweedsmuir’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, on Friday, September 24th, 2021, Willow Park Wine and Spirits hosted a Virtual Wine Tasting. Over 50 people, including families, alumni and faculty, joined us on Zoom and spent an entertaining and informative hour together.
The virtual evening was a lovely substitute for an in-person experience and, in true STS fashion, was professionally organized. Tasting kits were delivered to participants for the “tasting at home” experience. Tastings included two featured wines which were brought to us by the award winning Noble Ridge Winery. First, a Pinot Grigio from Noble Ridge and then a second wine. In my humble opinion the Noble Ridge Meritage, which has been selected as STS’s 50th Anniversary wine, was the star of the show.
Our sommelier for the evening, Michael Bigattini from Willow Park Wine and Spirits, hosted an entertaining and informative evening about the two wines being sampled. Hailing from the Okanagan Valley, Michael’s Italian roots have definitely influenced his passion for wine. As Senior Product Consultant for Willow Park Wine and Spirits, Michael’s job involved assisting customers when choosing the perfect wine for their specific needs. Through his experience and vast knowledge of wine, Michael has honed his expertise surpassing many sommeliers.
Michael walked us through techniques for properly assessing a wine. He discussed using all of our senses to develop a description of the wine, familiarizing us with how to isolate the smell, taste, colour, texture and “legs” of the wine on the glass. Through discussion and elaborate storytelling, Michael provided us with a mini-education on both of our featured wines, different types of grapes and provided tips for how to select the right wine for your tastes and purposes. He answered questions on varied topics such as why certain regions may produce wines with greater acidity, the ideal temperature at which to serve a wine and techniques for achieving the optimal results from decanting. He even discussed food pairing.
All in all, it was another one of the many “fine experiences” I have had as a member of the STS community.